The only thing I have that I can sell you for 1M is this KFan. I know your looking for a Wagner, but this is all i have in your requested ATK Range:
KFan (LUK +3, W.ATK 60, Avoid +5, ACC +5, W.DEF 1, 0 slots left)
WOW Yachi...
What is the stats on that Wagner? (would insert smiley here if i could find it F5 F5 F5)
Here's the stats on mine that I have had 2 finalized bids on Basil (first guy bought for 10M & the second guy bought for 8.5M AND while I was waiting for the guy who won for 8.5M i had someone whisper me that they would buy it for 7M there and then, but I HAD to wait out my Basil buyer. Unfortunately, either I or they could not get on at same time both times - F5 F5 F5:
M. Wag. (LUK +5, W.ATK 70, ACC +10, Avoid +15, 0 slots left)