PST (Pacific Standard Time; a.k.a. Pacific Time Zone) = MapleTime
Mountain Time Zone = 1 hour ahead of MapleTime
Central Time Zone = 2 hours ahead of MapleTime
Eastern Time Zone = 3 hours ahead of MapleTime ***
Become confused by reading this:
Global MapleStory NEXON USA uses PST as their primary time zone beecause they are located in Los Angeles, California USA. What this stands for is Pacific Standard Time. I also call PST Maple Story time =D
To convert your time zone you should know what GMT is. GMT stands for Greenwich Mean Time. Greenwich is a city in England and is the basis for all time zones.
PST is actually GMT - (minus) 08:00 hours. In other words when it's noon in Greenwich, it's 4am in California's PST time zone.
I am in Atlanta, GA USA so I am GMT -05:00 (Also Known As EST or Eastern Standard Time). So if an Event starts at 11am PST (Maple Story Time), then I would want to login to play this Event at 2pm EST since i am 3 hours ahead of PST.
I know this may be confusing, but I hope it helps.
Check out
www.greenwichmeantime.com for more info.