Ohai there,
I play alot of private servers, I signed up for odin before it was released and I sticked to LocalMS when Paul departed from Serp.
There is alot of history in these private servers and its a pain Nexon finnaly decided to sue OdinMS for 350 thousand euro's(Thats 525 thousand dollars!).
There are some good sides about nexon, they now changed from ASP packing to Themida, the last one is so hard to crack only a few people on this world can! There is a big downside, people liek Fiel on SW will now have to try alot harder too give us patch previews =(
Thank god Koolk(maker of TitanMS) devolepd a system to prevent using .wz files and instead use a seperate file for every data+images for every thing in teh game(Editable weapons much?)
I will support Odin in there fight against nexon, but its understand able Serp and other developers will not put there financial futures at risk.
anyway, do u guys play private servers? and why do u play them?
feel free too post your Private server you play on + ign and such.