Well it seems like Maplestory has been getting more boring every minute I play now. With no money and basically no one to talk to in-game, it just seems like its not worth playing anymore.
I have actually tried a few other games, and a Private Server for a while also. WoW was fun for maybe the first 3 months I played, but it got boring after that. GunZ online actually isnt to bad, other than the fact I suck at it now and lost my old account. Mabinogi actually was fun until I got stuck at level 19 -.- But still has friendly people. And also I have been playing DagonMS for the past few days, fun and all with 3 characters over lv 100 (Adeamus - 129 Crusader, Houber - 117 Ranger, Slymeister - 134 CB), but it does get a little boring with no one to talk to while playing (Although I did talk to Dal a bit while playing before I had to go).
The only reason I get onto Maplestory now is for 1 reason. Actually that reason is also from Marie. Take a guess at my reason if you wish, but I wont say Who my reason is.
Currently Im not sure what I want to do. Not sure if Aeons would help again. All been going down hill since getting kicked. And on top of that, I suck at finding stuff... even a good guild.
Weather I quit or not, I'll still stick around the Aeons site
mahamarue - 61 PA Spearman - [M]apleRed <---(Almost like being guildless, No offence meant Dave)